Monday, June 30, 2008

Yeah Going to see the premier of Perfecto tonight expect a full report tomorrow.
Also I hope you're all getting Psyched for the RokTrip this weekend we'll have a Ultimate route (we'll figure it out when I get there) Onsite challenge and of course a Franzia drinkin contest!!!
See you there!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

OH Shit Little Doggies It's here!

Jeah Boy,

It's here this sweet piece of beta!!! I trucked down to IME today and picked me up a copy of the new Rifle/Western CO guidebook. It's real nice, filled with pics and all the beta I need. Now I can drive into the canyon with earplugs for the weekend and finally enjoy my time there. It's like the RRG guide book but is cooler because Rifle is less than 6 hours away instead of the 25 hours to the Red. Sweet, peep the cover! Mucho cool pics inside too. Get some.
See you all at the First PrimeTime RokTrip this upcoming weekend!!! Don't forget the shirts we'll be having a team photo on Friday as well!!!
Ciao Ciao,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The New West

Booya!!! It be PrimeTime here coming at you mang! With a report from the sick Wasatch Front and with what's been going down over the past few weeks in regards to the only thing that matters... climbing!!!
After leaving the state of Minnesota Meg and I made our way to the little known climbing hotspot of Spearfish Canyon, So Dak to take in some of the sick streaked limestone and so I could show off our newly made PT climbing shirts to the masses. With a few quick sends of killer limestone test pieces we were off to finish the drive to our new home in the sending capitol of the country, Salt Lake City.

We arrived here set up our place and quickly headed out for the crags. I'll give you a quick rundown of the first climbing weekend here in heaven.

Friday: Leave SLC around 2 head down to Maple Canyon hook up on a few of the summer projects and "maybe make a few onsites" on the cobbles. Drink 3.2 beer in the campground engage in a good bullshit/spray/spew session with others and retire to bed.

Saturday: Wake up head out to the Crags at Maple get back on those projs and this time I know what leg to put the knee pad on. More attempts followed by a short drive back home. Rest and go see "Harold and Kumar Go to Guantanamo Bay"

Sunday: Wake up early to perfect temps and go to American Fork for some Onsite and ropegun action. Send all morning on the awesome limestone and return back to relax the rest of the weekend.

Monday: Return to AF for more awesome craggin after work. I think I need to take a rest day.

Well bros I just wanted to let you know that everything is going well in Nirvana and hopefully I'll see you all out here soon or at least in So Dak.

Peace out!

Yo, Peep the new layout and let me know what you bros tink.